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g. Zdraha
Posts: 988
(1/2/03 23:48)
Madsen M.1903
Simon, bi bil tako dober in poškljocal tisti lepi okvir za naboje, ki smo ga 1997 našli na Javorščku? S tiste strani, kjer ima listnato vzmet, prosim. :b

Edited by: SFronta at: 2/5/03 12:57:29 pm
Posts: 106
(5/2/03 0:23)
Re: Madsen M.1903
Evo, tukaj je tisti okvir za Madsen M.1903, ki je bil najden na Javorščku. Očitno so ga uporabljali Avstrijci, ali pa mogoče lovci.;)

dr. Soška Fronta
Posts: 25
(5/2/03 17:44)
Re: Madsen M.1903
Si mislil "lovci" kot feldjagerji ;)
ali "lovci" kot zelena bratovščina :eek ?

g. Zdraha
Posts: 1007
(6/2/03 0:51)
Re: Madsen M.1903
Ne eni ne drugi, pač pa verjetno kar IR 7. Glede na nalogo, ki so jo imeli 24. oktobra 1917, je jasno, da niso s seboj nosili težkih Schwarzlosejev.

Kje so dobili Madsene, pa je drugo vprašanje. Model, ki je bil sploh lahko uporabljen med prvo svetovno vojno, naj bi bil M.1902 ali M.1903 ali M.1914 (nekje piše tako, nekje drugače). Izdelovali so jih tudi med obema vojnama in celo po 2. svetovni vojni, prva fotka zgoraj ne prikazuje enega prvih modelov...

Na eni strani sem našel pri opisu nekega drugega modela mitraljeza tale komentar:
...The Russian model 1910 machine gun, which was similar to the British Vickers with the only real difference being the caliber, was before World War 1 virtually the only machine gun in Russian servive (there was a small number of Madsen Model 1902 machine guns used in the Russian-Japanese War*).
Tudi tole se da prebrati na internetu:
The 20mm Madsen machinegun was a scaled up 8mm Madsen machine gun. The 8mm Madsen was developed in the 1890s, and adopted by the Danish army in 1903. It was one of the very first light machineguns, and at the same time very reliable. No one has ever used the same system as in the Madsen. The Madsen had a unique firing system and was rather expensive to make. Like the Nimbus, there were some national pride connected to it.
In tole:
The 8mm Madsen light machine gun was developed in Denmark by Captain W.O. Madsen of the Danish Artillery. It was recoil operated and had a rate of fire of around 450rpm. The basic machine gun could be ordered in a number of different calibers and it was sold to many countries, including the Russians, who subsequently used it extensively in the Russo-Japanese War. It was a remarkable weapon, operating unlike any other machine gun of the time. However, it too was fed from an over-head magazine. After WWII, the company changed its name to Dansk Industrie Syndikat and began manufacturing submachine guns, but then had to retire from the firearm business in 1970 due to poor sales.
In tole:
A remarkable gun in almost every way, it was the first light machinegun produced in quantity. Used by the Russian cavalry during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, the same basic model was manufactured for over 50 years and saw service in innumerable wars. 7.62 mm, 450 rpm, 30 shot detachable gravity feed magazine. Metal bipod.
Beri tudi tule home.online.no/~jepsen/Armoury/ammo/madsen/madsen.htm

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